Benefits of Mineral Fertilizers in the Garden

Fertilizers for Garden

Mineral fertilizers help plants grow more intensively and increase yields. These fertilizers are not completely natural, but their composition is easily absorbed by both garden and indoor plants. To use them correctly, be sure to read the instructions and observe the proportions indicated on the packaging. If the manufacturer states that the NPK fertilizer solution is 5 + 4 + 6, this means that it contains 5% nitrogen, 4% phosphorus oxide and 6% potassium oxide. When choosing, you need to take into account the properties, application time and requirements of the plants.

Why use mineral fertilizers?

Plants that lack mineral components are much weaker than others, grow more slowly, and their leaves turn dark green or yellowed. Gradually, they begin to fall, and their roots develop much more slowly than necessary. When such symptoms are noticeable, it is worth immediately counteracting it. Mineral fertilizers can be a solution to the problem, they will make up for all the deficiencies and allow plants to grow properly.

When growing plants, special attention should be paid to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which are essential for proper plant growth.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers play the largest role among the components absorbed by plants. They influence their growth and development, increasing green mass and yield. Nitrogen deficiency can hinder plant growth by decreasing chlorophyll content.

Phosphate fertilizers are also an essential element for proper plant development. They allow for expansion and growth of roots, therefore they are intended mainly for young plants. In addition, they support photosynthesis and are essential for abundant flowering.

Potash fertilizers affect the absorption of carbon dioxide and the regulation of the water balance of plants. Thanks to them, the resistance of plants to low temperatures and diseases increases. When growing vegetables, enriching the soil with potassium increases the content of vitamin C, which is important for our body.

Benefits of mineral fertilizers

Factors such as the required amount of light, water and soil nutrients are important for the proper development and growth of plants.

What if, despite the above conditions, the plants do not grow properly? Experts recommend using mineral fertilizers, which, of course, will be useful for the garden and vegetable garden.

Benefits of mineral fertilizers:

  • help strengthen plants;
  • cause better and faster growth;
  • increase the resistance of plants to diseases;
  • have an optimal content of minerals;
  • biologically free from pathogens that can be found in organic fertilizers;
  • odorless, non-irritating and non-allergenic.

Thanks to all these benefits, mineral fertilizers provide plants with the ingredients they need for proper development. Although they are based on chemical elements, such fertilizers are well absorbed by plants and give quick results. Gardeners are required to strictly adhere to the instructions and dosage of this type of fertilizer.

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